“Helping Married Christian Men Finally Break Free
from Pornography and Regain Trust”

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Freedom from Pornography Addiction

Your Wife has discovered your porn use again.  You promised her last time you would stop.  You are both hurting and you need to finally overcome your pornography addiction PERMANENTLY and regain her trust.  You have tried doing this on your own using willpower (again), and maybe some other things that didn’t work.  What you need is a Battle Tested Plan, the right support to help keep you on track, and a community of Men to journey with. 

Hi, I’m Bryan Petkau

After struggling with my own pornography addiction for 20 years I finally found someone who could help me find the freedom I deeply desired.  Through my healing process I felt called to get on the battlefield and help other Men.  I spent the next NINE years in University earning my Masters Degree in Psychology – thousands of hours pursuing THIS ONE MISSION AND ONE QUESTION “How does this help Men break free from porn addiction forever?”  I have worked with hundreds of Men, helping them FINALLY break free from their pornography addiction and hundreds of couples, helping their Marriage recover from the deep damage porn addiction causes in their Union.

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